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Grab yourself a cuppa as you read reflections and lessons learnt from my community.
Society constantly shouts (and sneakily whispers) the pressure to do, earn, and be extraordinary. I want to highlight and affirm what is already praiseworthy and of so much value: the wonder and worth that exists within the 'ordinary'. Affirming worth and being curious about systems, expectations and attitudes that build barriers to flourishing feels worth wondering about.
I'm so grateful for my community who help me to continue to wonder...

Ange Disbury
Apr 7, 20242 min read
Poetry Sits With Us in the Clearing
Poetry is my heart’s microscope. A lens over the frame of life ushering me to hover tenderly over pain without the world’s urgency to...

Ange Disbury
Feb 2, 20241 min read
The realisation that it used to be dark at this time as the light now claims its ground, The memory-rousing song in the background...

Ange Disbury
Nov 28, 20231 min read
Home from school Everyone’s tired And talking at the same time Each with their own, important unmet need Shoes strewn in the doorway...

Ange Disbury
Aug 24, 20231 min read
Here's to the long distance friendships
The ones with the long gaps in the calendar that feel like they’ve been tiny gaps when you’re together. The shared stories so precious...

Ange Disbury
Mar 29, 20231 min read
"She's Ageing"
She’s told to feel “past it,” but what is she past? She’s told to “be desirable,” and that desirability doesn’t last. Well I’m past...

Ange Disbury
Mar 7, 20231 min read
You feel that discomfort? The mismatch between what you’re feeling and what you sense your duty to be? The inner whisper that gets...

Ange Disbury
Jan 13, 20231 min read
I heard a beautiful quote recently, The words taking root just like art, That “what one loves in childhood Will forever stay in the...

Ange Disbury
Jan 2, 20231 min read
When things are heavier and harder it’s tempting (and instinctive) to rush to a big quick fix or grand change. Looking back on the last...

Ange Disbury
Nov 30, 20221 min read
A Blessing in Hard Times
May you know a safe space for big emotions, Freedom to feel and express discomfort and pain, The presence of flickering light among...

Ange Disbury
Nov 9, 20221 min read
The Pause
When compulsion to prove my point overcomes me And my need to respond is fuelled by urgency, My mind races to be right My senses rise to...

Ange Disbury
Oct 29, 20221 min read
Tender Self
What do you love, what brings you some release? What moves you to exhale, what helps your heart to sample peace? When’s there a thrill to...

Ange Disbury
Sep 27, 20221 min read
Season Hierarchy
I’ve heard so many sentiments of “you’ll see spring again” And “hold on through the winter” just waiting for that day when The cold has...

Ange Disbury
Sep 15, 20221 min read
Little Ode to September
September tries to tell you it’s the time for getting sorted New uniform, routine in place, all organised and ordered. PE is every Monday...

Ange Disbury
Aug 6, 20221 min read
Her Anger
As a girl she heard the message that her anger was bad To suppress it, not express it was the training that she had She’d sense it bubble...

Ange Disbury
Jul 30, 20221 min read
All this pressure to grow To do more To yield an ever increasing profit To progress in public status To take on extra levels of...

Ange Disbury
Jun 27, 20221 min read
She isn’t absolute, clean cut, polished or separate from struggle She is alongside reality, walking next to fear She’s the determined...

Ange Disbury
Mar 24, 20221 min read
Quiet Courage
When I see daffodils popping up, I often think of the planter who, on a cold and desolate winter’s day, buried the bulbs deep into the...

Ange Disbury
Feb 26, 20221 min read
She Sits
She sits Having patiently collected and woven a space for growth, for new life Eight of them encased by delicate shells seemingly so...

Ange Disbury
Jan 22, 20221 min read
Imagine meeting someone new And saying “what do you love” Instead of “what do you do” Imagine taking time to play No pressure to perform...

Ange Disbury
Dec 30, 20211 min read
You Are Allowed To Rest
You are allowed to rest, dear body For rest is not a reward we earn, It is a right, a state of being, An honouring of our worth. You are...

Ange Disbury
Dec 20, 20211 min read
'Twas The Night Before Christmas (...with a twist)
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. Well…except one lone figure...

Ange Disbury
Sep 6, 20211 min read
What makes you stop and stay a second longer? A moment of pause, some treasure to ponder. Space to exhale, plans briefly on hold,...

Ange Disbury
Jun 7, 20211 min read
The List
The list is building, always here, The list will whisper in your ear “Come on, complete me, prove your worth” The list has more demands...

Ange Disbury
May 16, 20211 min read
At the Top of the Staircase
You ready yourself with pride and poise, Standing tall at the top of the staircase. A VIP preparing to make her grand entrance, We all...
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