Ange Disbury

Oct 11, 20192 min

Message from a Badger in a Bag

This week I was sent home with Ben from green group at Beavers to have a ‘week of fun’ with him.

I enjoyed his initial excitement: being thrown up in the air and caught, seeing him open the notebook that comes with me and read about all the amazing things that others have done with me. After a bit I got left on the floor in favour of other stuff. His Mum kindly put me back in my bag and do you know, i’ve had the best week in ages. I love my bag. It’s warm and safe. It was a bit noisy at times (some random cries of “he licked my cd first” and “Mummy he sat on my head”) but I got used to the noise and came to appreciate it lulling me back into my luxurious week-long slumber.

I’ve actually had the best week in ages. I get so knackered from trips to the park, days out at Legoland, assisting with recorder practice and reading War & Peace phonetically. I feel like extended bag time really needs to become part of my badger self care. I’m free from snotty noses, picky fingers and sweaty cuddles. It’s been a real time for rediscovery of my badger self and going down the gears.

After all, we all need to stop and rest at times. I’m going to report this back to Beaver head office. I hope that rest can become so much more valued and not seen as laziness. I feel great, better than I’ve felt in years.

I’ve got a feeling my ‘sabbatical’ has just been extended as I heard Ben’s Mum ask him when I was due back & he said “last week.”


#rest #selfcare #emotionalwellbeing #parentalwellbeing #community #adjustedexpectations #mentalhealth #mentalwellbeing
